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Donate to Achieve Tahoe

Your donation will be matched $1 for $1 through 2020!

$280,714 raised

$200,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Donate today to make your gift go twice as far.

Thanks to our generous donor, Joe Sherman, all donations made between now and Dec 31st will be matched $1 for $1 up to $50,000!

Your gift will provide life-changing experiences for the families and individuals we serve, like Connor. Watch the video for his full story.

"Connor’s day-to-day life is hard, it’s difficult. So, I just love seeing him happy. We’ve made friends over the ten years with the employees and the volunteers at Achieve Tahoe.

Connor has to learn not to depend on me. He really has to develop the independence and autonomy to advocate for himself. That is one of the best skills that he’s learned in our years at Achieve Tahoe."

- La Donna Ford, mother of Connor

To donate by check, please make it out to Achieve Tahoe and mail to:
Achieve Tahoe, P.O. Box 8339, Truckee, CA 96162

For any questions at all, please call us at (530) 581-4161.