Danielle Scroggs

Danielle Scroggs's Fundraiser

Empowering lives and coming full circle image

Empowering lives and coming full circle

Please help me reach my goal to support Achieve Tahoe programs.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,173 towards $1,000

In the summer of 2011 I would walk into the Achieve Tahoe offices and apply to be a volunteer instructor for their water-ski and snow-ski programs, little did I know that it would open the doors to an absolutely wild journey. Come the winter of 2014, I said goodbye to Northern California and started a new journey in Denver, Colorado working at one of the top spinal cord and traumatic brain injury rehabilitation hospitals; Craig Hospital. 4 years later I am so happy to be able to say that my journey with Achieve Tahoe never ended, but took on a different roll in both my professional and personal life! My relationship with this program is one that is incredibly special to me and I am so excited to be spending the 2019 Ability Challenge with some of my past patients from Craig Hospital and getting to ski with them for the first time post-injury!

Please help me reach my goal of raising $1,000 so that this amazing program can continue to serve an amazing community of people with disAbilities and knock down the barrier of any financial burdens! We set these goals before they ever left Craig and we are stoked to come full circle!