Tanya Sheckley

Tanya Sheckley's Fundraiser

Join me in providing opportunities for children and adults with disabilities that build health, confidence and independence! image

Join me in providing opportunities for children and adults with disabilities that build health, confidence and independence!

Please help me reach my goal to support Achieve Tahoe programs.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$50 towards $200

Achieve Tahoe is a nonprofit that builds health, confidence and independence through recreational sports for children and adults with disabilities. The organization serves over 500 people a year through one-on-one snowsports lessons, waterskiing, paddle sports and more. Achieve Tahoe's highly trained instructors and specialized, adaptive equipment allow the organization to serve just about anyone with any disability. Achieve Tahoe participants and family members often say that their experience with Achieve Tahoe goes on to affect other areas of their life such as gaining confidence to try other sports, becoming more social, and breaking down perceived barriers showing them that they can do things they perhaps never thought they could before.

My daughter Eliza loved to ski. The first time we took her she cried all the way up the lift, she was strapped to a strange device that was new to her, she didn't know what to expect. Then she got off the lift and squealed with delight - and that was just from the exit ramp. She smiled and enjoyed her whole day skiing, especially the hot chocolate stop at mid-mountain! She would ask for 1/4 hot chocolate and 3/4 whipped cream - maybe we should call it a whipped cream stop. Our last day skiing together we did laps on Sherwood Express, there was no whipped cream stop so we bought M&Ms and she ate the whole pack on the chair lift. Skiing was the one place where she was truly the big sister and could go places her little sister couldn't. We still call the Chalet "Eliza's hot chocolate place." We miss you Eliza. Please support this extraordinary organization helping skiiers and adventurers of all abilities reach their goals.

Join me in supporting this cause and provide life-changing experiences for children and adults with disabilities!